Tracy resides in Kitchener Ontario, but her art revolves around growing up in Newfoundland. She was introduced to watercolour as a young child by her uncle, a noted Canadian artist. Tracy's knowledge of art and art-making became much more diverse with the pursuit of a post-secondary degree from Memorial University of Newfoundland (Grenfell Campus) in Visual Arts. Although she has experience with many art mediums, her preferred methods of expression have always been painting and drawing.
Tracy's representation of Newfoundland as a subject matter is synonymous with her art. Her time growing up in the small fishing village of Wesleyville and frequent visits "back home", has left her with a great appreciation, respect and deep desire to show those that see her art as a visual record of Newfoundland; Newfoundland, in all its magnificence, has always been the catalyst for her art. Whales, boats, the ocean, fishing stages, old houses and buildings, trigger mitts and seaside collections (driftwood, rocks, shells, carcasses, etc) play the lead role in her visual stories.
Tracy's art style is realism, sometimes with dream-like references or experimentations with the visual plane. When a piece of her art is completed, the intention is to always represent Newfoundland with visual understanding and connectivity for the viewer.
"ART has always played a significant role in my life; from my own creative production to external influences, art and my life are inextricable."
~Tracy Blackwood